Watch torrents online with Kodi

Kodi is software that can be installed on different operating systems as well as different hardware. Kodi program allows the user to play most video formats online, including video, music, etc. The kodi program is very suitable for installation on smart TVs and allows online playback.

Kodi is a multi-purpose home theater program. Bitso users can use the kodi program to watch videos downloaded in Bitso.

How to watch torrent files downloaded in Bitso via kodi?

1. Run the kodi program.

2. Click on Enter Files section.

3. Click on Add videos ....

4. Click Browse.

5. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click Add network location ....

6. Select https from the list opened in the Protocol section.

In the Remote path field, you must enter your own login code. To do this, go to  this page  and get your own code.